"Thank you Tanya for your patient wisdom and for holding space for the two of us."

-Couple in 40s, navigating infidelity


“Did anyone ever tell you that you are a diamond, Tanya? Well add me to that queue, please. Diamond you!"

— Man in mid 40s, sex therapy session


"Thanks again for the other days session. I got so much out of it! You're a goddess!"

-Man in late 30s, relationship concerns


“Your lessons are manifesting positively in my life."

-Woman in mid 20s, counselling session


"My life has improved ten fold since coming to see you."

— Woman in late 20s, support with vaginismus


“One thing we have gotten from coming to see Tanya is learning how to accept ourselves as we are."

— Couple in early 30s, navigating mis-matched libidos


"Tanya, just a massive thank you for all your help in the last few months. Even if I am not quite there yet, you have truly helped me a lot through this journey which is something I am never going to forget."

-Man in late 20s, accepting own sexuality


“Thank you for your kindness, patience, advice, support and wise counsel this year. Even though I’ve only had a handful of sessions with you, each time you’ve helped me incredibly by gently and respectfully pushing me to ask myself the hard questions, be kinder to myself and to think about things differently. Even knowing that I can come and see you if I need to helps me so much!"

— Woman late 30s, counselling session


“I want to thank you for all your sound advice and helping me to push through my insecurities and get ‘out there’ and do things and meet people. I feel like a different person since we first met."

— Man in mid 20s, support accepting sexuality


“Our sex activity has resumed a place in our relationship in fact more intensely than I can remember in the past - certainly the recent past ... In my view your work with me has played an important part of this revival."

— Man in early 60s, relationship with mis-matched libidos


“I think every girl needs a Tanya in their back pocket."

— Woman in mid 30s, sex therapy


“I just wanted to drop you a line to say thank you for our sessions last year. I know I only saw you a couple of times, but it really helped me to process some stuff that I needed to let go of, and have faith in what was possible for me ... Not long after, I met a wonderful young woman who is now my girlfriend of six months. We have an incredible bond, an amazing sex life and marched in the Mardi Gras parade together on the weekend. It all feels quite natural now, but I remember how afraid and stuck I felt before. Thanks again.

-Woman in early 30s, sex therapy session


“Thank you so much for all your deep care and help at the moment. You have been an absolute godsend."

— Woman in mid 40s, sex therapy session


“Wanted to thank you for your amazing help, I appreciate your unique skill and talent."

— Non-binary client in mid 30s, counselling sessions


“After our therapy session, I felt really positive. Kind of like this weight had been lifted off my shoulders … I felt so happy, I was in such a good mood and I was really excited for this new phase of my life … One hour of meeting you has changed three years of my life!"

— Woman mid 20s, support with vaginismus


“I just wanted to say thank you so much for your help and insights. My partner and I are getting there... this is all helping so much and I do feel like we WILL get there. I really appreciate your understanding in our sessions. Your acknowledgement, understanding and guidance is so valuable. It’s helped to clarify things, explain things ... which is getting us on the path we need to be on to find a way to have happy, fulfilling, real intimacy."

— Couple in early 30s, working with premature ejaculation


"Just wanted to thank you again for yesterday. It's given me a lot of freedom and that's a huge gift!"

-Man in mid 30s, counselling session


“Hi Tanya, just wanted to thank you again for talking and guiding us through what is obviously a tough discussion. I’m pretty sure we would not have been able to do it ourselves in the way we worked last night. Appreciate very much what you did."

-Couple in mid 40s, navigating hard decisions


"You have a beautiful way of speaking about sex and relationships."

-Nurse, workshop attendee


“Tanya has the ability to home in on the vitally important events, triggers and emotions underlying the relationship with one’s spouse – what they mean, how they work, and how to deal with them better. In helping me to make sense of an extremely tense and difficult period, I felt able to move forward with more confidence and understanding of my personal situation, and the needs of the other person."

— Man in late 50s, navigating a marriage separation


“I learnt more about sex from your presentation than I did studying medicine at university!”

- Man workshop attendee, Doctor


“We found Tanya to be immensely approachable regarding our problems. She addressed our difficulties professionally with sensitivity and provided great insight and techniques that allowed us to resolve our difficulties quickly and enhance our sex lives. We have no hesitation in recommending Tanya and would encourage others to not put off getting their sexual issues addressed."

— Couple in mid 30s, just married


“Thank you so much for the support and encouragement you gave me in this year that will go down as one of my biggest ever!"

— Woman in early 30s, relationship coaching, trauma processing


“Tanya saved our marriage!"

— Couple married 36 years, relationships therapy


“THANK YOU SO SO MUCH for facilitating our physiology of pleasure workshop today! You were so amazing and considerate and informative and made the event enjoyable and fun! I could feel the enthusiasm and the engagement of the students around me! It was a full house! Students standing around for the event too! What a success! Thank you so much, I learnt so much today and you were just so great and humble.“

- Organiser, Radical Consent and Sex Day, University of Sydney


“Thank you for your help Tanya. After speaking with you I was able to talk to my husband about some difficult things. Just being able to talk about it with someone has been the biggest help of all, so thank you so much for your kind, empathetic ear."

— Woman early 50s, relationship communication


“Tanya helped me enormously in sorting out my personal issues"

— Woman in early 30s, counselling sessions


“ Thank you for your warmth, understanding and wisdom during the counselling sessions. It is now much easier to talk about our thoughts, feelings and wishes regarding our sex life and we have made some nice discoveries."

— Couple in 30s/40s, working with mis-matched libidos


“Tanya made it easy for me to talk about areas that I found very difficult"

— Man in late 60s, sex therapy


“You are a schmokin’ hot woman! Not only have your words filed themselves in my mind, but it was really you as a person that made the biggest impact."

— Woman in mid 20s, support with depression and low desire


“You are the sex ninja"

— Couple in early 50s, relationship therapy